Choosing a Nursing Home in Fort Lauderdale or West Palm

Whether you are in need of special health care or you’re making the decision on behalf of a loved one, choosing a nursing home is an important step. It’s a decision that affects not only physical safety and well-being, but also emotional comfort and security. You need accurate information, and you need to know all the considerations involved. The Fort Lauderdale nursing home attorneys at Freeman Injury Law understand that at a time like this, you need someone on YOUR side. That’s why we’re pleased to provide this information to help you better understand your options when it comes to nursing home care.

What Factors Should You Consider?

When you must choose a nursing home for an ill loved one, you may be tempted simply to opt for the closest facility. Certainly, it’s important that friends and family are close enough to visit the patient, but convenience is only one factor to consider. First and foremost, you need to know your loved one’s medical condition. Exactly what sort of care does he or she need? Ask the doctor. If your loved one is in a hospital, nursing staff and medical social workers also can help you learn about the person’s condition and the type of care that’s needed. Some nursing homes specialize in serving patients with very specific medical conditions – Alzheimer’s, for instance. Other health issues may require treatment by specially-trained staff or access to specialized equipment. Make sure the nursing home you choose can accommodate your loved one’s needs.

You’ll also want to think about what it will be like for your loved one (or yourself) to live in the nursing homes you’re considering. Are the surroundings pleasant? Are they clean? Is the staff friendly and attentive? If someone you know has received care from a facility you’re considering, what was their experience with the nursing home? Ask your family and friends for their insights.

When you’re researching nursing homes, you’ll want to know about their track records. Have complaints been made? On the other hand, particular nursing homes may have distinguished themselves as providers of outstanding care. Financial considerations will play a part in your selection process, too. Hospital and nursing home medical social workers are good resources for help with payment arrangements. A number of government agencies and publications are available to help you with your research, too. Check the links in the box on this page.

See for Yourself

In your efforts to select the most suitable nursing home for yourself or your loved one, there’s no substitute for direct contact. If you’ve made a list of nursing homes that might be appropriate, call them to ensure that they provide the type of care needed. Arrange a visit so that you can meet key staff members: the home’s administrator, nursing director, and activities director may be among those you want to interview. Take a list of questions you want answered. Ask if you can observe activities or have a meal in the dining hall. If you leave the scheduled visit with a favorable opinion, plan a second, unannounced visit to see if conditions still appear to your liking.

The West Palm Beach nursing home abuse and neglect lawyers at Freeman Injury Law encourage you to explore all your options before making a nursing home choice. Many fine facilities provide excellent care to their residents, but issues can arise. If you suspect your loved one is suffering neglect or abuse in a nursing home, call our office and ask for a free consultation to learn about your rights.

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