FAQ / Resources

FAQResourcesGeneral Instructions for Injury Clients

1. Talk to No One:
Do not talk to anyone about your incident except one of the lawyers or investigators in our office. You should always require identification so that you are sure who you are talking to. Don’t even talk to your own insurance company without notifying us so that we may discuss the claim with you before making any recorded statement.

2. Your Doctor:
You should return to each of your doctors as often as necessary and should always tell them about all of your complaints. Should your doctor recommend an MRI scan, please contact our office immediately before attending a MRI scan. If you see any additional doctors, be sure we are advised immediately of their names and addresses.

3. Hospital and Doctor Bills:
If you have applicable medical or health insurance, then you should make sure that all health care providers are submitting to both your auto insurance carrier and your medical health insurance, as your medical health insurance may be secondarily liable after your automobile insurance.

4. Medical Bills:
Obtain and keep duplicate copies of all medical, hospital, and prescription medication bills. You should periodically send these bills to us for our files. Also keep records of any other expenses you may have in connection with your accident, such as hiring extra help. All your bills should be paid by check or you should obtain and keep receipts. You should keep a list of all your medical bills and the costs incurred in going to your doctor. We will also request copies of your medical bills from all healthcare providers related to your claim.

5. Witnesses:
Furnish to us immediately the correct names, addressees, and telephone numbers of any or all witnesses you may learn of.

6. Your Car - Storage Fees:
If your car is in a tow yard or storage facility, the law requires that you mitigate your damages by removing the vehicle from storage as soon as possible to prevent incurring high storage fees. Send us a copy of the receipt for payment to the tow yard, and we will file the necessary documentation for you to get a refund from the at fault party’s insurance.

7. Rental Car:
If you have rental car coverage under your insurance policy you are entitled to rent a car under the terms of your policy. If you do not have rental car insurance on your policy, the at-fault party’s insurance company will either pay for your rental in advance or reimburse you for the cost of the rental car after the insurance company completes its investigation. An investigation can often take 5-10 days.

8. Photographs:
Send us the negatives and reprints of any photographs pertaining to your case which you or any of your friends have taken.

9. Records of Complaints:
Please keep a daily or weekly record of your complaints of pain and progress. This can be very helpful when, a year later, you will be called upon to relate your pain and difficulties.

10. Your Address:
Be sure to keep us advised of any change in your address or telephone number.

Our job is to recover compensation for the pain and suffering that you have endured. Not going to the doctor is a good way to prove, instead, that you are not hurting. If you are in pain and you do not see a doctor, the insurance company and the jury will not believe that you are having pain. It is very important for you to work hard to get well and to go to all of your appointments.
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