Eatonville Injury Lawyers

Eatonville is a small but developing town on the northern outskirts of Orlando. The more than 2,500 residents take special pride in its rich history as the first self-governing, all-black municipality in America following the Emancipation Proclamation in the 1880s.

It was described in 1935 by its most famous native, Author Zora Neale Hurston, as, “the city of five lakes, three croquet courts, 300 brown skins, 300 good swimmers, plenty guavas, two schools and no jailhouse.” It’s expanded since those days, but it retains its charming historic district with 48 historic buildings and soul food restaurants.

Interstate 4 abuts the western edge of town, providing one of the fastest corridors to the various attractions in Orlando. Additionally, Eatonville to many is becoming a destination in its own right, with the annual Hurston festival, a repaved and beautified Kennedy Boulevard and ongoing efforts to create a new “Town Center” with retail, restaurant, office, residential and civil spaces. Central to this is attracting a strong anchor business for the old Robert Hungerford Preparatory High School, one that could generate job opportunities and offer free Wi-Fi to all town residents.

At Freeman Injury Law, our Eatonville injury lawyers recognize that growth and change can be positive for a community. However, it can also bring numerous challenges, particularly in the public safety realm.

For example, more vehicles on the road will inevitably increase the risk of a traffic accident, bicycle injury or pedestrian accident. The Eatonville Police Department reported in 2013 there were a total of four traffic crashes the city for the entire year. In 2015, there were 28. That figure has continued to climb along with increasing population.

Additional recreational and sporting opportunities are great for overall health and life quality, but adequate care must be taken not to endanger the safety of participants – especially children. More retail, restaurant and entertainment venues mean more property owners are responsible for ensuring entrants are reasonably safe from potential hazards. These sorts of premises liability cases can be reduced if property owners, businesses and city officials take an active role in understanding their legal responsibilities and prioritizing guest safety.

Types of Eatonville Injury Claims

Most people think of injury law as primarily related to car accidents. It is true that motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of injury and death in the U.S., and implementing traffic calming measures and advocating for safer vehicles is critical to driving down this risk. Still, it’s not the only type of case our injury law office handles.

Among those we successfully take on:

  • Falls. Falls are a top cause of injury and related deaths, hospitalizations and emergency department visits, particularly among the senior population. We see falls occur not just on slippery store floors, but also in poorly-staffed nursing homes, inadequately-maintained residences and on ill-kept sidewalks/ parking lots/ other public walkways. The Florida Department of Health reports there were 1,436 deaths and nearly 140,000 non-fatal injuries in Florida stemming from falls just among seniors in a single year. They amount of damages available in these cases will depend on the extent of your injuries, as well as the duty of care owed by the property owner/ caregiver, as designated by your classification as an invitee, a licensee or a trespasser.

  • Tourist injuries. There are 19 million residents in this state, but every year, more than 100 million come to visit. A substantial portion of those visitors are flocking to Orange County, which is home to Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, Sea World and other major attractions. Although many merely pass through Eatonville, it is for some a destination in its own right. When visitors suffer injuries – in hotels, on the roads, in swimming pools, on elevators/escalators, in garages/ parking lots, in shops – it’s important to turn to an attorney who is familiar with local law, medical facilities and resources. Our tourist injury lawyers can help.

  • Landlord liability. In Florida, the owner of a property has a duty to maintain his or her property in a way that ensures tenants will be safe. That includes making necessary repairs, removing dangerous obstacles or warning tenants about possible dangers that could be encountered on site. Failure to do so resulting in injury could result in a valid claim for damages.

  • Injuries to children. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports more than 12,000 children die every year due to accidental injury. If your child is hurt or killed as a result of someone else’s careless, negligent wrongdoing, we can help you recover damages on your child’s behalf.

If you have suffered any type of injury in Eatonville, our experienced injury attorneys can help you determine your odds for filing a successful claim for damages.

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