

When you’ve been badly injured, you may be left with permanent scarring or disfigurement. This can occur if you’ve suffered a deep wound, a serious burn, or other severe injury. Scarring or disfigurement that is readily visible can alter your life. They may change the perceptions others have of you. Beyond that, scarring and disfigurement can change the way you see yourself. The psychological aftermath of your injuries can lead to lasting distress and anguish. If you’ve suffered a serious injury that’s left you scarred or disfigured, contact a personal injury attorney for advice about a compensation claim.

Permanent Scarring

Scarring can occur from many types of wounds. Further, surgeries to help repair injuries can leave additional scars. Some types of wounds that may leave scars include:

  • Deep cuts and lacerations
  • Severe road rash abrasions
  • Contact burns
  • Chemical burns
  • Compound fractures that pierce the skin from inside

The West Palm Beach scar injury lawyers at Freeman Injury Law know how profoundly affecting permanent scars can be. Your very sense of your own identity may be compromised because someone else’s actions caused injuries that left you disfigured. Our personal injury and wrongful death lawyers believe that the responsible party should be held liable for the damage their actions caused. When you’ve been forever changed because of scarring or disfigurement, you want an accomplished attorney on your side – one who understands both the medical and legal aspects of your case. That’s exactly the kind of proven capabilities you’ll get when you choose our scar accident attorneys to represent you.

Doctors tell us that our skin cells constantly die and then are replaced by new ones that our bodies produce. While that process suggests that scarring shouldn’t happen, the reality is more complicated. Wounds may not be completely clean so that healing doesn’t occur under ideal circumstances. The body’s own mechanisms start the healing process very soon after suffering a cut or other wound. New layers of skin are formed over the wound, but the process may result in an area that differs from surrounding skin. In other words, your body may mend the damaged area, but the patch may not be an attractive one. The result can be permanent scarring or disfigurement.

At Freeman Injury Law, our West Palm Beach scar injury lawyers know that the consequences of a serious wound that leaves scarring can be especially difficult if the victim is a young child. We know that you don’t want your son or daughter to face a life of difficulty because he or she has been disfigured. In addition, our medical training has taught us that scar tissue doesn’t grow along with your child. That means that he or she may require future surgeries or skin grafts to ensure that the scarred area keeps pace with overall growth. You need skilled personal injury attorneys who will ensure that any compensation you receive is based on medical needs now and in the future.

When you’ve been left with permanent scars or disfigurement because of injuries caused by someone else, you may be entitled to receive compensation for your injuries. The West Palm Beach scar injury lawyers at Freeman Injury Law know that you may find yourself with long-term medical needs because of your injuries and the scars they leave. That’s why we are dedicated champions of injury victims. Your needs are our top priority, and we’ll fight to win the maximum monetary damages available to help you get the medical treatment you need and to compensate you for lost wages. Our experienced personal injury lawyers know that severe scarring and disfigurement may affect your future earning ability, too. We’ll take action to see that settlements take that possibility into consideration. If you need Florida scarring attorneys who have a solid record of successful work for injury victims like you, call Freeman Injury Law and ask our seasoned personal injury lawyers to put their professional skills to work for you. If we don’t recover compensation for you, then you owe us no fees.

Freeman Injury Law – (800) 561-7777 -- Someone on YOUR Side

What Our Clients Say
"Chris Lassen is a competent skilled attorney who absolutely fought for me in my car accident. He knew exactly how to work with opposing counsel to get me far more than I expected. Chris handled my case like an absolute profession and an expert in his field. He was always in my corner and was diligent in working my case to the best outcome. I could not be happier!" Diva O’Bryan
"I've had the pleasure of working with Freeman Injury Law a few times. Every time they have done awesome work. They took not only my health and treatment into account for each accidents circumstances but also what would result in the max settlement I would end up with while not compromising my treatment plan as well. The attorneys and the paralegals are there every step of the way. They never fail to answer any questions I have promptly and were always professional and friendly. I will use them every time I need to and would recommend them every time." Crystal Morris
"I was so afraid to contact anyone for my accident but after speaking to the staff I was immediately set at ease. An attorney contacted me immediately and my experience was by far the best. I had direct contact with my attorney at all times. Everyone worked diligently to help me achieve far more than I would have imagined for my injuries. I was treated like family. I would ONLY recommend Freeman Injury!" Millie Garcia
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