Nursing Home Complaints

nursing home complaints Anyone who witnesses abuse or some other legal violation made by a nursing home or a member of a facility’s staff can file a complaint. Federal law – the Nursing Home Reform Act of 1987 – specifies that state agencies receive such complaints. In Florida, multiple agencies actually provide links for nursing home residents and their families who want to register their concerns about facilities. Complaints are made by residents, their family members, guardians, attorneys, medical providers and others.

Nursing Home Complaints

Complaints about the care residents receive in Florida’s nursing homes are increasing. In 2008/2009 the state’s long-term care ombudsmen program investigated 8,363 complaints about long-term care facilities. That number represented an increase of more than 600 complaints from the preceding year. Most frequent complaints about Florida nursing homes include:

  • Evictions/discharges
  • Issues of resident dignity/respect
  • Questions about medications and their delivery
  • Residents’ personal hygiene
  • Lack of response to residents’ requests for staff assistance
  • Source: Florida’s Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Annual Report

The Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach nursing home neglect and abuse attorneys at Freeman Injury Law are well-acquainted with the laws governing the delivery of care to nursing home residents. They understand how to evaluate medical records and questionable circumstances within the context of Florida’s legal provisions. The lawyers of Freeman Injury Law stand ready to intervene when quality of care in a nursing home is in doubt. Florida’s Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program is a key organization participating in the investigation of complaints about nursing homes. Under the umbrella of the state government, the program began in 1975 after passage of the federal Older Americans Act. Although the Ombudsman Program is staffed by trained volunteers, it operates by authority of both federal and state law.

Each year, complaints about conditions in Florida nursing homes cover a range of topics, from the facilities’ administration and care practices to the quality of life and rights of residents. In Broward and Palm Beach counties, the top complaints about nursing homes were the same: issues of resident dignity and respect (which includes complaints about the attitudes of nursing home staff), questions about the appropriateness of discharges, and issues about medication.

The Florida nursing home abuse and neglect attorneys at Freeman Injury Law have built many years’ experience in protecting the rights of nursing home residents. If you have questions about the care that you or a loved one is receiving in a Florida nursing home, contact the offices of Freeman Injury Law to request a free consultation to explore your rights.

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