Selecting a Palm Beach Injury lawyer

selecting a palm beach injury lawyerSuffering a personal injury can be a frightening, even devastating, experience. Certainly, injuries that happen as a result of vehicle accidents are commonplace, but there are many other ways in which individuals can be injured. Falls and other property-related accidents, boating mishaps, incidents that occur in the workplace, medical malpractice, exposure to toxic substances, problems caused by product defects, and many other circumstances can lead to painful and life-changing injuries or even wrongful death.

About Personal Injuries

The Centers for Disease Control and prevention reports that accidental injuries kill more people between the ages of 1 and 44 than illnesses do.

The Fort Lauderdale personal injury attorneys at Freeman Injury Law know the laws that have been crafted to protect those who suffer injuries because of intentional acts of other people or because of their negligence. Such laws may differ significantly from one state to another, so you need attorneys on your side who are experienced in the protections available under Florida law. When you’re dealing with the often traumatic aftermath of an injury, you want to know that your legal counsel has handled such situations before. Freeman Injury Law have an impressive history of successfully representing a wide variety of personal injury cases.

In Palm Beach and Broward counties, nearly 40,000 traffic accidents occur in a year’s time, according to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. Statewide, that figure rises to more than 235,000. Nearly 200,000 injuries result from those crashes. Many occur because drivers are impaired by drugs or alcohol. Cell phones are a worrisome distraction, diverting drivers’ attention to calls or text messages. If you or a loved one has been injured because a driver operated a motor vehicle negligently, consider contacting a personal injury attorney for advice.

With emphasis on exercise and healthy lifestyles growing more widespread, many people are getting outdoors to enjoy the benefits of bicycling or walking. Yet even these relaxing pastimes result in significant injuries and fatalities among Floridians every year. One hundred people die because of bicycle accidents, according to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. More than 4,000 suffer injuries. For those on foot, the world becomes an even more dangerous place. In the space of a year, 7,676 pedestrians are injured in Florida, and 482 people die. When innocent activities end in injury or death because of the actions of another, or because of their negligence, you can turn to a personal injury attorney for help in exploring your legal rights.

Accidents on or near Florida’s roadways are only one way in which people receive injuries. Exposure to asbestos and other toxic substances can happen in a variety of settings, with problems showing up years after the exposure took place. Medical malpractice can occur in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and physicians’ offices. Product deficiencies constantly make headlines, from children’s toys made of dangerous materials to automobile parts that malfunction. Innocent individuals suffer attacks at the hands of others and are left with life-altering injuries. Accidents occur on city buses, on airliners and on other public transportation vehicles. Whatever the setting, if you’ve been injured through the negligence of another or because of an intentional act that placed you in harm’s way, explore your right to compensation by consulting a personal injury attorney.

The personal injury lawyers at Freeman Injury Law are experienced in the complexities of the laws that govern personal injury and wrongful death. When your life – or that of a loved one – has been irrevocably changed or lost because of an accident or other circumstance that caused injury or death, Freeman Injury Law can offer the comfort of legal expertise that guarantees you a strong and knowledgeable advocate. Contact us for a free, confidential discussion of your legal rights.

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